
Author Topic: UFPS Not working when playmaker FSM is added to scene?  (Read 926 times)


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UFPS Not working when playmaker FSM is added to scene?
« on: December 13, 2018, 07:51:22 PM »
After adding any FSM to a simple scene the UFPS player does not respond correctly. One press on the trigger causes the gun keep firing on its own until all bullets are gone. And the player won't rotate by mouse unless the trigger is pressed. Even doesn't work after removing obj with the FSM! No errors in console
Using Unity 2018.2017F1 and UFPS 1.7.4.
This one stops me cold , really hope someone can help.

update:  Found this solution. 
Control Mouse Cursor is an option on the PlayMakerGUI component. Typically this is on an object called PlayMakerGUI that is auto-added to the scene.

If you want to use Playmaker to control the cursor, keep this checked, and use the Set Mouse Cursor action to hide and/or lock the cursor.

If you have scripts that control the mouse cursor, uncheck this option so Playmaker doesn't fight for control over the cursor.
« Last Edit: December 13, 2018, 08:38:43 PM by cdo1955 »