
Author Topic: [SOLVED] Which Spline tool would you recommend?  (Read 2403 times)


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[SOLVED] Which Spline tool would you recommend?
« on: February 06, 2015, 10:52:49 PM »
Hi, i'm currently trying to build a shmup that's similar in style to the SNES game Pocky & Rocky.

Here's a couple of videos if you're unfamiliar with that game:

Now, obviously i'm going to need splines for the enemy movement patterns. I've had a quick go at using the iTween Visual Path Editor along with the custom action by jeanfabre, but as good as it is it unfortunately isn't exactly what i'm looking for.

I need a spline plugin that has curve handles, the ability to loop splines (so that an enemy can loop a path indefinitely), and playmaker support.

So far i've encountered a couple that boast playmaker support, namely Camera Path Animator and Curvy, however I don't want to buy either of them unless I know for sure they're what I need.

So is there anyone here that owns either of these, or perhaps another spline plugin with playmaker support? Any recommendations?

Thanks for taking the time to read this.

EDIT: Oh, I should probably also mention i'm using the free version of Unity. I understand that can affect whether certain plugins work or not.
« Last Edit: February 10, 2015, 10:53:13 PM by TheNathanParable »


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 6
Re: [SOLVED] Which Spline tool would you recommend?
« Reply #1 on: February 10, 2015, 10:54:17 PM »
Well, for the record I decided to bite the bullet and get Curvy. Fortunately it does everything I need, and works great with Playmaker (i've been able to spawn enemies and move them along a path, as well as lock the camera tracking to a path).