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Thinking about buying Android license

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I've never managed a game myself that made it into the final stages, so I can't answer all your questions. But I've worked on a couple of commercial games so I'll try ;)

2) To do android games commercially you need to do them quickly and accurately. Otherwise it often isn't worth the time. Usually I get about a month for the entire GUI and logics. So that may be considered hard if you're new to this.
Speaking of which, the GUI and controles are your nemesis on touch devices. Getting them right on every resolution takes at least 30% of your time, unless you prepare prefabs like buttons, dragmenus etc beforehand (as I've planned for my next projects, if that can be managed with the contract).

3) Actions like mouse event etc are all emulated on touch devices (at least on android). Therefore, apart from the resolution and optimization, it's relatively easy.

4)In the past I used to design the game with mesh GUIs in a square resolution (1:1 aspect). That allows you to get the aspect lateron and multiply it with the size of the gui objects (as well as their positions in a bit more complex manner) to position everything on any resolution.
However, while this is useful for PC, it poses problems on phones when you're suddenly changing from something like 16:9 to 9:16.Therefore I plan to use JeanFabre's DataMaker addon in the future, to permanently save certain gui positions to an xml file under a specific "resolution" category.
This would probably work better since there are only a rather limited amount of resolutions on tablets/phones and since manually moving the gui items would give the artist more freedom in guidesign (like different arangements for landscape vs portrait mode).

5) No idea, I've not meddled with the artists.

6) Yeah there's a couple of solutions and they seem simple (like admob). But I haven't worked on free games yet, so I don't know any details.

7) Apparently it is. Depending on the sums I'm usually paid the games must make at least that to not go bankrupt ;)

Hope this helped a little. Like I said, I could go into detail about certain workflows involved, but I don't know much about any other department than programming.

That being said, I do recommend working in an established team before trying your own thing. According to Gamasutra a lot of people start solo projects, but a lot of people fail them too   :-\  As long as you're not staking all your finances on this I don't want to demotivate you though :D .

When you say mouse actions are emulated is that how you can test play on a PC? How does multitouch testing work - do you have to publish and load onto a touch device in order to test those types of gameplay?

yes, unless you write dedicated scripts(never done that) to emulate it you need to push it to your device first. Although pushing sometimes takes annoyingly long, it's what I always do to get it properly working.
And yes, for single-finger stuff there's not much wrong with the mouse actions, which of course work in the editor too.


--- Quote from: kiriri on March 08, 2013, 08:47:31 AM ---yes, unless you write dedicated scripts(never done that) to emulate it you need to push it to your device first. Although pushing sometimes takes annoyingly long, it's what I always do to get it properly working.
And yes, for single-finger stuff there's not much wrong with the mouse actions, which of course work in the editor too.

--- End quote ---

I've always wondered. Thanks for clarifying, and yes... that would be abysmally annoying.

Thanks everyone for the answers! 

I had an Unity 3.5 free android license, so I decided to downgrade Unity to 3.5.7 and start developing.

In 18 days, I came up with this:

It's a simple game for children, that helped me develop my Unity Android/Playmaker skills, without much frustration, so don't complain if it's too simple for you :)

Please rate it well, and leave your constructive critics, to help a fellow developer stay motivated!

Thanks again!


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