
Author Topic: Camera view and changing background/sprites  (Read 1920 times)


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Camera view and changing background/sprites
« on: May 03, 2016, 10:16:05 PM »
I am new to Playmaker. Is this possible to do with Playmaker: have the camera swing around a level/room and let's say after the first pass over an area a clickable sprite will appear but if they don't click on it the next pass the sprite may be gone, or moved. Or, the camera passes over a background image that is really partially tiled, and part of the background tile changes into a clickable sprite if they catch it on time, or else the next camera pass it's back to normal and the player loses out?  ???


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Re: Camera view and changing background/sprites
« Reply #1 on: May 03, 2016, 11:31:49 PM »
This isn't really a playmaker question, this is a game mechanics question.

In most game situations, you can handle almost everything with Triggers and Events. When a player steps on an invisible cube on the path, a series of actions are called – like a boobytrap in Indiana Jones…. So in your game the player crosses a trigger and the sprite actions are called with an event.

Playmaker uses function state machines which makes game interactions like this easy to build. You have an invisible trigger on the path, with a FSM that is waiting for a collision with the player. When player crosses the trigger the FSM calls an Event that sends its active "state" to the next FSM where "stuff happens" – enemies are activated, score variable increased, particles explode, etc…. The FSM can even deactivate the game object it's attached to, so once triggered it it can spawn other objects, send events to other FSMs, then destroy itself.  It might reset itself, or it might only work the one time, that is up to you how you build it.


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Re: Camera view and changing background/sprites
« Reply #2 on: May 04, 2016, 12:42:06 AM »
Thanks for the answer - maybe I should have asked about camera paths/camera animation. There isn't a player per se, but I want to camera to follow a random object, and maybe when that random object crosses a pre-planned invisible trigger, a sprite or an object can appear, and again when the random object that the camera is following crosses another invisible trigger, the sprite can disappear. Ultimately, will I need to script or code this, or do the built-in triggers and events and what is supplied within playmaker enough to do this? It basically is a hidden object game but the hidden object will move around. Thanks again for the help!


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Re: Camera view and changing background/sprites
« Reply #3 on: May 05, 2016, 10:07:16 AM »
It is all possible with playmaker. Lol as a basic rule I say that every game feature that is possible in code is somehow possible in playmaker.

It wont be super easy to begin with, you will still have to learn really complex logic to achieve complex features. The main benefit with playmaker is you will only need to learn how to figure out the logic and tell playmaker, you wont need to learn loads of punctuation and formating BS like you would with coding.

When I was learning coding I was always running into the issue of 'I know what I want to say, but have no idea of how to say it'.

In playmaker if I figure out the basic logic (what I want to say) then I can just experiment and try a few options/actions/combinations and achieve what I wanted (say what I wanted to say).

Mind you this is not an official product description just a noob sharing his perception of playmaker.

What you want to do is totally possibe but without doing a whole tutorial it is hard to answer your Question i think.

I would suggest going through all the existing tutorials first and then you will have a better understanding of how to adapt those features for your game. There is a lot to learn...