
Author Topic: 4 Direction Animations  (Read 1143 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 25
4 Direction Animations
« on: February 21, 2018, 05:02:29 PM »
RPG 4 direction animations. I am able to create the animations, and found an RPG tutorial using blends to make transitions between Walking and Idle and making sure the Idle is in the proper direction.

I tried to follow along using Playmaker and am very close. The issue I am having is transitions between directions. When i go any direction but down, it glitches during the transition and shows a DOWN frame. For example. If I am walking left, and then hit the key to go right, my character will turn right and walk, but it will show a DOWN frame for a split second.

I was unable to reproduce his code exactly, but am close. Everything else works great. A bit frustrating trying to convert it to playmaker.

If anyone has any suggestions or a different approach I would appreciate the input.
