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I also noticed that reseting the tilemap collider in the inspector on/off seems to be the issue. How do I reset a component? I don't see an action for this, even in the ecosystem browser. Is this a cache issue (thought I saw that from a website somewhere). Would reseting the cache help? If so, how do you do that at runtime? I don't want to use set property because I want to standardize the process (copy and paste fsm on multiple game objects) and enabling behavior gives me an error like I said earlier.

I forgot to mention that enabling and disabling the tilemap collider (whether at runtime or in editor, not gameplay) fixes this issue but enabling behavior causes an error. Would late update be affecting this (I’m not sure how it is currently set).

PlayMaker Help / Child game object tilemap collider not following parent
« Last post by misterjuly on May 17, 2024, 07:49:42 PM »

I have a tilemap that has a parent that it is supposed to follow it when I rotate it. It does this when I mirror the object a couple of times (example it starts at rotation y axis 0, I flip the parent to 180, I have this parent so the child stays in place, I flip it back and the tilemap is where it is supposed to be but the collider is off to one side or another). This happens even if I modify the y values in the editor NOT during gameplay (but it does that too). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I know this may not be a playmaker issue but you guys have always been very good at responding and it might involve playmaker to solve so I thought I’d post it here.

PlayMaker Help / Re: Mouse Down Not Working on Touch
« Last post by stigma on May 17, 2024, 02:22:53 AM »
did you put the object in a layer and use this same layer in the event?
PlayMaker Help / Re: EasySave 3 Save Slots
« Last post by djaydino on May 16, 2024, 08:10:40 PM »
its best just to do direct files you can do SaveFile1 / SaveFile2
you can set the a global GameObject ( where you handle all Load / Save )
Then use Set Fsm String to set the Path for example, set variable Name as : currentSaveSlot
and use that for all load / save actions
PlayMaker Help / Mouse Down Not Working on Touch
« Last post by BroliZn on May 16, 2024, 10:10:18 AM »
Hi all, hoping someone can help. Let me try and explain this as best I can. Im currently using unity 2020.3.12f1 and playmaker version 1.9.1.

So heres the issue, using a touch screen, when clicking on an 3d game object, Im unable to trigger the "mouse down" event. Im specifically using it as a global transistion. If I mouse my finger over and off an object, the respective "mouse over" and "mouse exit" events trigger, its only the mouse down event that does not work.

Heres the bigger mystery. I have the exact same setup in unity 2018 with playmaker 1.9.0 and everything works as it should.

Any ideas on whats wrong?
PlayMaker Help / Re: EasySave 3 Save Slots
« Last post by LoneCipher on May 15, 2024, 09:44:22 AM »
Thank you for the reply.
If I append the path setting to something like Slot1\SaveFile.es3 that will use a file at that location.
How would I append this programmatically? Would I need to build a string and use that as path?
Slot number + save file name with slot number being a global variable?
What is the solution for this? I'm experiencing the exact same issue. When using a damp time (in set animator float) the blend tree that is using a Vertical animator float value de-syncs with the actual float value listed in parameters.

For example, in the Parameters tab shown on the side of the Animator window the Vertical float shows as 0, but in the blendtree itself that is referencing that float it shows a different number.

If I set damp time to 0 this issue completely goes away. Unity's animation system is so buggy.
PlayMaker Help / Re: EasySave 3 Save Slots
« Last post by djaydino on May 15, 2024, 06:19:45 AM »
Turn on Override Default Settings and use 'Path' "Slot_1 / Slot_2 / ...
this will create separate save files.

Also place load save actions on 1 game object if there is a chance that you will build for console platforms.
(use send events to trigger load/save)
PlayMaker Help / Re: Big Scene size due to FSMs
« Last post by Meka Games on May 14, 2024, 06:49:33 PM »
The problem was with the references within the FSMs.

I fixed the loading time problem with Resource Load.

From 50 seconds to just 7 seconds.
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