
Author Topic: What's the 'official' Playmaker way to work with prefabs and variables?  (Read 13213 times)


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That 'Awake' system sounds good!

I cannot tell you how many extra states that would save me!

Only thing (from the top of my head) is that those would of course still not run when the game object was de-activated.

I have found it an optimal route to many things is to de-activate game objects and inside them have all sorts of FSM's to go beserk right from start.

That way a simple 'Activate' can do a lot. (Hard to explain the real magnitude of it short here, I make it sound so trivial - but you know how one action can lead to the next and so on - it has become almost a programming style for me with GameObjects firing each other in a row..

And this could still be done, but your system would not be of any help then in terms of setting Global Variables as GameObjects. Because 'they would not know who they where' without starting them - and then we are back to square one!

How about a 'Master' of sorts. Have not thought this through, but a single place in which one could set up all global GameObject references to be run at the beginning of a game..

Somehow I'd really like to be able to merely work with variables without thinking so much about how they where created / instantiated etc. Would be very effective!