
Author Topic: Playing Different Animations Based on Bools  (Read 898 times)


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Playing Different Animations Based on Bools
« on: November 26, 2017, 09:45:56 PM »

I’ve been using Playmaker for a little while and getting the hang of it. It’s been working well so far but I have run into an issue I’m having trouble solving.
I have a character with a script on it. In the script I have 3 different bools and they can switch from false to true when the player collects a certain item that is related to that bool, I want the character to perform certain animations depending on the type of item that they find. If they find a treasure item, then the character will perform a “Victory” animation, if they find an explosive then the character will perform a “Death” animation, and if they don’t find anything, then they will not do anything.

What I’m wanting to do is set up Playmaker to determine which animation will play when the player collects that item type and the bool related to it turns true. My issue is how would I go about achieving this? Example, if the player finds a treasure then FoundTreasure bool is set to true. And the character will perform the “Victory” animation.