
Author Topic: Aiming help  (Read 1553 times)


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Aiming help
« on: August 12, 2014, 12:10:36 PM »
Using playmaker I am raycasting myself from the shooting camera towards the sphere (AIM Target)


When you hit play the Y hit point is at 2.0, but I am playing aim straight at this point.

The camera in scene view is directly behind the player at a 90% angle facing forwards the ray always goes through the sphere (AIM Target).

The player needs to be aiming up, but within a weighted range 0 -1 ; 1=100% of the animation to be played so this would be straight up in the air.

Is there a way to take the hit point details and convert them so I could use the information and apply it to the weighted range?

Reply: Yes, but it requires some math:

Vector3 A = player between shoulders;
Vector3 B = hitpoint;
Vector3 E = B - A;
Vector3 D = E;
D.y = 0;
float C = Angle(E, D);
float X = Sin(C);
X = (X+1) / 2

X is the weighted range.

Question could someone please help me set this up