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[solved] Simplest or best way to create Block Break effect like MineCraft?


In my game I'd like to break blocks and have them appear to shatter into a bunch of pieces.  The effect I'm after is like Breaking Blocks in MineCraft, see attached photo.

I'm wondering what the simplest or best way to approach this is.  Should I use particles, or should I spawn a bunch of game objects?  I do not want to learn a new complicated plug in or system at this point.  Is there a basic way to approach this?  I've never used particles before and I'm not sure how to best spawn a bunch of game objects in a random fashion... so any tips on either approach is appreciated.

Chris (createasaurus)

on picture 1 change textures i think and for the shatter effect use particle system

Thanks djaydino,

For picture 1, I will change textures.

For the shatter effect, I'm still having trouble deciding the best way to do this.  Right now I'm experimenting with spawning 10 cubes with rigid bodies and letting them fly... but is this silly and wasteful of resources to do?  I guess I'm discovering ways to do this... but I'm looking for thoughts on the best way... simplest to implement, looks nicest, not terribly expensive processor wise.  Has anyone done something similar with advice on the best balanced approach?

It looks like they change the texture per damage state, then when it explodes they create a particle system with small, square dirt texture sprite billboards.

Rigidbodies are definitely way overkill for something like this.

Perfect.  Thank you Lane.

I'll start on the particle path.  :)


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