Playmaker Forum

PlayMaker Help & Tips => PlayMaker Help => Topic started by: littleredcloud on December 08, 2013, 01:52:58 AM

Title: Playmaker GUI disappeared in Scene
Post by: littleredcloud on December 08, 2013, 01:52:58 AM
Hi, I am following the tutorials, in this case the one with the destructible vases.
I noticed that the Playmaker GUI wasn't sitting over the objects but was moving with the camera, so i fiddled around with the cameras, and now I have managed to break it so there is no playmaker gui shown anywhere when i run the scene.
I loaded an earlier tutorial scene I worked on to try to work out what I'd done wrong, but it looks like I broke it there too!
I am sure I did something stupid, but no idea what?! :)
To fix it I have rebuilt the scene, all good (in that I have the gui text back), but it's also back to the same problem i tried to fix in the first place.
I have a world camera, and a camera attached to the character controller, and the gui over items moves around with the camera, it doesn't stay on the items.
I'd still like to fix that, and to know what I broke so I don't do it again!
Title: Re: Playmaker GUI disappeared in Scene
Post by: uberwolfe on December 08, 2013, 05:02:36 AM
I may have misunderstood your question, but I think you're referring to the State Labels above game objects with FSMs?

The State Labels will move around with whatever Game Object their FSM is parented to - so if you have a bunch of FSMs attached to objects parented to your Main Camera, they will inherit any movement from that Main Camera.

Sounds like you need to check your parenting in the hierarchy.

Also, if the state labels have disappeared altogether you can enable/disable them by clicking on the PlayMaker GUI component in your hierarchy.
Title: Re: Playmaker GUI disappeared in Scene
Post by: littleredcloud on December 09, 2013, 03:33:02 AM
Thanks for the reply. So, because I have the GUI Layer attached to the camera which is attached to the FirstPersonContoller, the State Labels move around with me. That makes sense. I will try removing that GUI Layer and only having one on the main camera.
Regarding the State Labels disappearing altogether, yep, I tried turning them on/off with the Playmaker GUI and it made no difference.
I think the problem seems to occur when I delete the main camera, then add a new one. Ill test this and see if I can get it to repeat every time.