Playmaker Forum

Bug Reporting => PlayMaker Bug Reporting => Topic started by: Jos Yule on May 14, 2012, 12:33:56 PM

Title: PlayMakerArrayListProxyInspector - minor capitalization error
Post by: Jos Yule on May 14, 2012, 12:33:56 PM
In line 68 of the PlayMakerArrayListProxyInspector.cs file:

Code: [Select]
proxy.showEvents = EditorGUILayout.Foldout(proxy.showEvents, new GUIContent("PLayMaker events" + eventsEnabledString, "Manage PlayMaker events dispatch"));
You can see in the GUIContent() call that "PlayMaker" is improperly capitalized.

Title: Re: PlayMakerArrayListProxyInspector - minor capitalization error
Post by: jeanfabre on May 14, 2012, 04:05:01 PM

 Well spotted :)

 I like to think that when such typos are found, it means the rest is working pretty well :) right?

 How are you doing with ArrayMaker? Interested to know because I developped it really to answer my personal needs, so your point of view on how this is executed and what you'd like or whish to have is always good to know.


Title: Re: PlayMakerArrayListProxyInspector - minor capitalization error
Post by: Jos Yule on May 16, 2012, 09:39:09 AM
Well, i'll let you know as i keep using it.

My current use-case is for a card-like game.

One thing i am noticing is that i need to loop over data all the time, and i'm not sure if using a FSM to create my looping constructs is really the right way to do it [1]. I'm worried that i'm creating states which are really more akin to functions, rather then a "state" of the application.

I think that i need to move some of the logic out of the state itself and into a script, and then use "Invoke Method" to actually do a bunch of the work.

Perhaps i should ask for a Loop Action :)


[1] - I have a State which does some work. It then increments and checks a "counter" variable. If the value is less then X, it fires a "continue" event, which is routed back to itself. If the value is equal or greater then, fire the "FINSHED" event and continue on. Love to hear of other ways of doing this kind of thing.
Title: Re: PlayMakerArrayListProxyInspector - minor capitalization error
Post by: jeanfabre on May 17, 2012, 08:04:13 AM

 The way you do it currently is fine, and will work with any actions.

 Now, Alex introduced a while back a wonderful trick with actions ( study the GetNextChild action script), that simply allow you to actually loop within an action without doing what you described ( I do that as well, so again, nothing wrong with this).

 The thing is, I had already done the work for arrayMaker, and since, I haven't yet found the time to do them actions. But now, here it is! (

Also, There is another thread on card games and arrayMaker, that might be of interest if you are not already following it. (

