Playmaker Forum

PlayMaker Help & Tips => PlayMaker Help => Topic started by: dariuskeel on September 27, 2012, 01:58:09 PM

Title: PlayMaker and Conversation Engine/Unity Dialogue Engine[SOLVED]
Post by: dariuskeel on September 27, 2012, 01:58:09 PM
Has anyone out there tried using PlayMaker with Conversation Engine?

I'm not sure how well known CE is in the community but it seems like a good idea. The trick would be to embed it inside an FSM, so I could fire it off when certain triggers take place.
My current idea is to have an NPC animating and walking a path using iTween/PlayMaker (this is already set up). Then the player can click on the NPC to activate the conversation and stop the NPC's animation until the conversation is over.

Also, another alternative would be Unity Dialogue Engine by

Any help would be greatly appreciated.
Title: Re: PlayMaker and Conversation Engine/Unity Dialogue Engine
Post by: jeanfabre on September 28, 2012, 02:30:32 AM

 myBadStudio solution seems good, the other link is a 404 unfortunatly.

I don't own this system, so I can't really be of any help or giving advice on how this could be implemented in PlayMaker, pm me to arrange something if you want some integration.


Title: Re: PlayMaker and Conversation Engine/Unity Dialogue Engine
Post by: cronkie on February 17, 2013, 01:27:37 PM

So, I came across this thread because I'm looking at integrating the Unity Dialogue Engine ( into Playmaker and my Point and Click interface.  I was wondering if anyone has successfully wired up the UDE with Playmaker?  Something tells me it's going to be much more involved that checking raycasts and enabling/disabling behaviors.  :)

Title: Re: PlayMaker and Conversation Engine/Unity Dialogue Engine
Post by: terrymorgan on March 09, 2013, 03:06:38 PM

It looks like it doesn't work.

I tried the mybadstudios fantasy village demo. After 15 minutes I'd found nothing
demoed, so I wrote him, he said, 'the demo takes 2-3 hours'. I did find 2 npc's
to talk to after 30 minutes, seemed to work o.k, but decided to shop for something more customer-friendly. No proof that anything is saved, etc.

Title: Re: PlayMaker and Conversation Engine/Unity Dialogue Engine
Post by: terrymorgan on March 10, 2013, 09:52:40 AM

It looks like it doesn't work.
I take that back, it works great, just have to figure out branching and how to save the conversations.