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PlayMaker Updates & Downloads => Share New Actions => Topic started by: amaranth on February 13, 2013, 12:03:44 AM

Title: Get File Name By Loop
Post by: amaranth on February 13, 2013, 12:03:44 AM
This script returns the names of all files in a Resource Folder. You need to set this script up as a loop to extract each file name. I've attached a sample. Fields are:

This script is based on Jean's Get Next Ray Cast All Hit script.

Code: [Select]
// (c) Copyright HutongGames, LLC 2010-2012. All rights reserved.

using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;

namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions
[Tooltip("Get the name of a file, using its index, in a specified resource folder.")]
public class GetFileNameByLoop : FsmStateAction
[Tooltip("The name of the folder where the file is located. If no folder name is entered, all Resource files are returned.")]
public FsmString folderName;

[Tooltip("The name of the file.")]
public FsmString fileName;


[Tooltip("Event to send to get the next child.")]
public FsmEvent loopEvent;

[Tooltip("Event to send if there is no hit at all")]
public FsmEvent noHitEvent;

[Tooltip("Event to send when there are no more hits to loop.")]
public FsmEvent finishedEvent;

public override void Reset()
folderName = null;
fileName = null;

loopEvent = null;
finishedEvent = null;
noHitEvent = null;

// cache the hits
private Object[] hits;

// increment a hit index as we loop through the hits
private int nextHitIndex;

public override void OnEnter()
if (nextHitIndex==0)

// no items found
if (hits.Length==0)
nextHitIndex = 0;

// final item
if (nextHitIndex>=hits.Length)
nextHitIndex = 0;

Debug.Log("getting index"+nextHitIndex );
fileName.Value = hits[nextHitIndex].name;




void DoGetFileAll()
hits = Resources.LoadAll(folderName.Value);
