Playmaker Forum

Bug Reporting => PlayMaker Bug Reporting => Topic started by: Pawel on May 28, 2013, 08:56:58 PM

Title: Animator Follow thoughts
Post by: Pawel on May 28, 2013, 08:56:58 PM
I've spent quite a bit time on this one and found workarounds for fixing the Generic Rig / Animator Follow issues by reversing the axis before importing the FBX file form Max.

However since Jean mentioned that he intends to add the ability to fix the reversed axis as a variable within the action, I thought it would also be nice if the other variables withing the script were exposed in Inspector.

For example, I'd like to be able to change the animation speed variables that are in the script (in Follow.cs they are set for random float between -.4 & .4 of the normal speed) This should be something that can be modified with each FSM rather then by editing the script itself -- sometimes you want to set the speed of the "follower" exactly...
Title: Re: Animator Follow thoughts
Post by: jeanfabre on May 29, 2013, 02:38:48 AM

I have made an update, so that you define the speed properly,  can you tell me if that's what you expect? If that's good for you,it will be in the next package update.

 also, you could have used the AnimatorSetPlayBackSpeed as well, same thing, but with the mod I did, you don't need to too anymore.


Title: Re: Animator Follow thoughts
Post by: Pawel on May 29, 2013, 10:01:18 AM
Thanks a lot Jean!

To be able to control the speed individually on each character is a big improvement.

A side note:

I still get the Null exception error in line 61 of the "follow.cs" Unity script that on my computer interferes with your Playmaker Action. -- There seems to be a conflict between the "Animator Follow" and "follow.cs" -- Only when I disable the last section in follow.cs (starting with "void OnAnimatorMove") the character controlled by Playmaker follows the target... Did you ever try to run the follow.cs and AnimatorFollow action within the same scene? (Initially I used the script because I couldn't get the Playmaker action and Mecanim work together.)
Title: Re: Animator Follow thoughts
Post by: jeanfabre on May 30, 2013, 07:14:02 AM

 uhm, I will try to replicate this.

