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Pre-release Discussion / Re: Playmaker 2.0
« Last post by antus on November 02, 2024, 09:42:14 PM »
In version 2.0, I recommend adding an FSM Controls Advanced Edition.
Currently, for larger game projects with dozens of FSMs or more.
setting certain FSM variables requires locating specific game objects, FSMs, and variables, Searching for them takes an enormous amount of time and is absolutely maddening.
I suggest adding an editor interface in the future 2.0 version that would allow users to gather all critical variables in the project into a single, consolidated view.
PlayMaker Help / Jump and walk interfere with each other
« Last post by @phosphorescent_fox on November 02, 2024, 03:54:57 PM »
Jump only works if transform position 2d is set to self, walk only works if it's set to world. I feel like this was a waste of money and has actually made learning a lot more frustrating and made me give up for weeks at a time. I wish I hadn't bought it.. I'm on disabilities and $100 is a lot to waste not to mention it made what I'm working toward so much more frustrating. I don't know what to do.
Work In Progress... / Re: Flashing Lights: Police - Fire - EMS [Steam]
« Last post by 600 on November 01, 2024, 12:46:16 PM »
New Update
AI Update Part 2: AI Backup + New Light Bar DLC Out Now

Check out the full announcement and details

User Showcase / Re: Trouble in Paradise - Releases tomorrow!
« Last post by unbiasedheinz on November 01, 2024, 12:08:15 AM »
Wow! That so cool!!
PlayMaker Help / Hide and Show mouse cursor in real time
« Last post by 6equj5 on October 31, 2024, 08:24:16 PM »
Hi guys. Help me with this issue.
I have a game with split screen - on the one screen we have FPS controller, on the second screen we have camera above the player like in RTS(i want to combine two gameplay in one scene).
So, in some cases I need to use RTS UI on the second screen, and won’t affect the FPS controller screen at this time.
The idea was show cursor and turn off the FPS controller by pressing TAB button, and reverse back on second press. I did pretty simple fsm with this mechanic in the manager object, but as soon as I show the cursor, I loose control over FPS controller and can’t get it back - its stuck, and nothing happening. I can hide and show cursor but I lost control over controller even I removed all actions relate to freeze and unfreeze this FPS controller.
So, how I can return into FPS controller from RTS camera when I press button?

(I use Unity FPS microgame asset for FPS controller)
PlayMaker Help / Mouse Look Jitter
« Last post by acornbringer on October 31, 2024, 03:58:49 PM »
I followed this nice tutorial on making a first person character controller and noticed that the mouse rotation of the Mouse Look action is jittery. It looks like the rotating axis are jumping between factors of 0.25 instead of full floating values when sensitivity is at its default of 15. Lowering Sensitivity lowers that factor and reduces this effect but naturally slows the camera rotation.

Anyone know how this could be changed to smooth out the result regardless of rotation speed?
User Showcase / Trouble in Paradise - Releases tomorrow!
« Last post by Qbanyto on October 31, 2024, 02:58:25 PM »
I am excited to announce that after 4 years, my project is finally done and it wouldn't be possible without this amazing asset. my future projects will be made with playmaker as well.

Here is the extended trailer and steam link. I will IMMEDIATELY star the VR port and Switch port.

PlayMaker Help / Re: Planets orbiting a star
« Last post by stigma on October 31, 2024, 12:18:59 PM »
Use the new spline system of Unity.
GameObject -> Spline -> Draw Splines Tool
Then you add the Spline Animate script to the planet.
It's very easy to use
My guess is this would probably be best handled by a 3rd party, unless the creators have a background in LLMs that I don't know about. That said it would be really interesting to work with. I'm also quite curious about generating C# scripts that easily plug into PM, or even generating optimized C# scripts from playmaker-created code.
"Sometimes, when using the basic ChatGPT to write PlayMaker actions, many errors can occur. I'm curious if there’s a model on the ChatGPT Store that has been specifically fine-tuned for PlayMaker. It would be great if the developers offered an officially fine-tuned ChatGPT model specialized for PlayMaker."

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