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Indeed pools are necessary, I'm certain our friend here did in fact try to get into the "way too many for my CPU" range. :o)
Yes I noticed that the spam can sometimes get severe, it makes the forum look an unattended place, almost derelict, which is bad.
A mandatory introduction post would certainly not hurt. That would certainly filter some of the lazy bots.
Action Requests / Re: RigidBody properties
« Last post by Broken Stylus on December 04, 2024, 05:11:56 AM »
but yes, get and set properties should be used when you have no other choices, and a proper dedicated custom actions is the way to go.

I think I did some actions for this on the Ecosystem, have you searched for it?

Sorry for the late reply.
Somehow I missed them the first time which is weird because I looked for "rigid" "rigidbody" and "constraints" and searching in the Ecosystem is my default option whenever I can't find an action that satisfies my requirements. Anyway, I found "Set RigiBody 2D Constraints" and that's what I had been looking for.
The code is in fact much simpler than what I was led to believe I needed to do after reading several posts on other coding websites.
It was possible to move transitions up and down in states by clicking on them and pressing CTRL/CMD +Up/Down. At some point a bug appeared in a version of PM where the selected transition could only be moved once before the selection would jump to another transition.
This was corrected at a later time but it seems to have returned.

On Playmaker 1.9.8f1.
PlayMaker Bug Reporting / Reverting a FSM on variants not updating (visual issue)
« Last post by Broken Stylus on December 04, 2024, 04:59:24 AM »
I'm currently working on prefabs and variants, and when trying to revert a FSM on a variant to the original form from its prefab template, the changes are not visually applied but the FSM is nevertheless locked back into a state of pure instance that hasn't been touched by any edit. So clearly the command is seen and understood but it's not fully applied. When closing Unity and reopening it, and then opening the variant, the FSM is indeed in its pristine state so the issue is only visual. IOW it doesn't update itself visually, even if clicking on other FSMs or other GameObjects.

On Playmaker 1.9.8f1.
Feature Requests / Expose FSM Navigator's history
« Last post by Broken Stylus on December 04, 2024, 04:54:10 AM »
I don't know if that's the official name of the function but when browsing FSMs in the Graph View there are two buttons at the buttons, two arrows to go back or forth between visited FSMs.
It would be nice if we could have a deployable menu of that hidden list.

It would also be helpful when it comes to reporting issues with this function, when for example whole portions of the history get changed, whatever the reasons are.
PlayMaker Help / Re: keep the object state between scenes?
« Last post by jeanfabre on December 04, 2024, 01:03:25 AM »

This is a common need for games, yet not a trivial feature to develop. Let me describe what you need to achieve that.

- you need a way to identify each object's item in the scene you load levels using an ID as a string. You could do it using the name of the GameObject, as long as you make sure that there are no two of these objects named the same

- theses items must save their status in a persistent way (inside playerprefs most likely). For example an enemy was killed, if you restart that level, the enemy should not be there anymore.

- during the loading of a scene level, each of these items, check the prefs to update their current status and must act accordingly before the game or level can start.

ok, the above seems doable, and it is infact not that hard to make a proof of concept for a couple of items, but the problem will grow as your game grow, and you'll have shortcomings such as:

- bloated playerprefs where you have many many entries, one for each of your items, for each levels. it quicky reaches hundreds of hundreds on a finished game.

- performances will suffer during level loading if dozens of items are each accessing the playerprefs, same on saving a current level progress.

if your game is fairly small in size, the above will do fine, if you have 10 levels with dozens of ennemies, and dozens of pickup items, and collectibles, etc... then it's not going to cut it...

ArrayMaker is a good solution to solve this.

- you can have a dictionnary of each items as keys, and their status as value, so during the gameloop you only access arraymaker, which is fast, and when you need to save, you can use EasySave ( arraymaker has support for easysave) to save in one call your level progress. Same with loading a level, you have one fsm that will read one playerpref entry which represent the state of your level. then each item in that level will check their status using that fsm, instead of accessing the playerprefs themselves.

Let me know if that makes sense.



PlayMaker Help / Re: PlayMaker + Emerald Ai 2024
« Last post by carefullybun on December 03, 2024, 09:09:19 PM »
Hey, everybody!
Has anyone tried the Emerald Ai 2024 asset with PlayMaker?
I've been trying to link the two for some time now. I have a character controller made on PlayMaker and enemies controlled by Emerald Ai 2024. I can't figure out how to make the FSM so that the enemies take damage from my character controller. And to have my character take damage from Emerald Ai enemies.
Maybe someone has done the interaction and can suggest a solution?
Indeed. BHS has discontinued Emerald AI 3.0. Before being added to the asset repository, new actions for Emerald AI 2024 still need to have a few demo scenes constructed.
PlayMaker Help / keep the object state between scenes?
« Last post by aheng on December 03, 2024, 10:36:17 AM »
I'm a novice in Unity, and I'm attempting to create a project similar to Hollow Knight or Castlevania. I've been following video tutorials and everything has been going smoothly until I encountered a problem that wasn't covered in the tutorials.
When I switch scenes, the enemies that have already been defeated are reloaded, which is not what I want. They should not be reloaded until I reach a checkpoint or die. However, I'm unsure how to achieve this. Perhaps I could store the information of defeated enemies and then check it each time the scence is loaded?
 Should I use a table or a dictionary for this purpose? I installed Array Maker, but it seems a bit too difficult for me to use. I'm not sure which type of table or action to employ.
Should I start by learning more about programming-related knowledge first? Please excuse my poor English; it's all translated from a translator.
I'm a novice both in Unity and forum posting, so please forgive me if I offend anyone in any way  :D

I am glad I could help :)

Yes. start with Bolt, also, don't shy away from learning c# it's not that hard after all, your best skill set will be when you can use both c# and PlayMaker inside Unity, you'll be all mighty and very productive.

Also, if you want to know more about my journey, we made a podcast with Stephen a while back, Alex Chouls ( the one behind PlayMaker) also did a podcast:



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