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PlayMaker Help / Re: Update PlayMaker without updating actions? [SOLVED]
« Last post by burgertepid on April 22, 2024, 04:16:43 AM »
No this was caused from updating core game kit.
dino game
PlayMaker Help / Re: Sharing Project to People Without Playmaker
« Last post by Kihap on April 22, 2024, 03:51:32 AM »
Hello there,

As the subject suggests I am looking for a way to share our playmaker unity project with our marketing team. A lot of the information I found was more than 6+ years old so I am curious if there is anything new / easier that I'm not aware of.

They do not have a Playmaker License and I'm looking for the best way to package up the project for them to run/view. We do have a repository set up as well which they have access to, but running the game without Playmaker of course results in errors.

What would be the easiest / best option for sharing a playmaker project with other teams.


I would advise you to seek help from professional marketers who could help you promote your project.
User Showcase / Adult Service Provider
« Last post by johnbabu on April 22, 2024, 02:50:07 AM »
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Action Requests / Re: HTTPS REST API actions
« Last post by KaelynMurray on April 21, 2024, 01:05:30 PM »
Have you considered implementing OAuth for authentication alongside HTTPS? It adds another layer of security that might be beneficial for your project. I'm all ears for alternative suggestions too. It's always helpful to explore different options, especially when diving into unfamiliar territory.
PlayMaker Help / Best way to check true internet availability (ping)
« Last post by Broken Stylus on April 21, 2024, 05:48:27 AM »
There is a thread that deals with the topic of verifying the internet connection, notably on a handheld device. The posters came up with a variety of rather long winded scripts.

Is there any simpler way with the actual Playmaker material to run a ping on a known public or private address, or even check for some file content and get a return on this, with the least amount of bandwidth usage.
Would using the "web request" action on the Ecosystem be a reliable and fast solution?

What are the URL addresses you might recommend using for this?
PlayMaker Help / Re: No Prefabs folder in Assets?
« Last post by mintyman on April 20, 2024, 08:27:58 PM »
Any object that has an Fsm on it will have the huton logo on it.

you can create a Prefabs folder in your Assets by right clicking, clicking "create", clicking "folder" and naming it "Prefabs" hope this helps.
PlayMaker Help / Photon Help - no PhotonView component is observing this fsm
« Last post by jonnyk on April 20, 2024, 09:28:26 AM »

I'm pulling my hair out with this one, so hopefully someone can help. I use PUN Instantiate to create a game manager object with network observable variables marked. I receive this error each time, but there IS a Photon View component on the game object, and it is not nested in any way.

Fsm component 'GameManager(Clone)' on gameObject 'GameManager(Clone)' has variable checked for network synching, but no PhotonView component is observing this fsm

I cannot see anywhere to actually set an FSM as observable on a photon view component, only a game object...

It does generate the values locally on the object, but does not share them over the network. Does anyone know why this error is produced?

As an aside question, what is the difference between 'Photon View' and 'Playmaker Photon View'? 
PlayMaker Help / dont destroy on load help.
« Last post by mintyman on April 19, 2024, 07:22:06 PM »
Hello, in my project I have 3 characters, when you click on one of them I use the action "set game object" and set it as a global "selected" and set the character as the game object. then I have a game manager object and the "selected" object  "dont destroy on load" but when going to the next scene the game manager stays but the "selected" character changes to "Missing (Game Object)" what am I doing wrong?  :o  thanks.
User Showcase / The Last Warmage Demo Released!
« Last post by AlekGavaj on April 19, 2024, 04:00:19 PM »

The Last Warmage is a fast-paced, new take on Tower Defense-like game where mana management and strategic spellcasting are crucial. The main campaign follows the story of the dark elf Yoradhin, expanded with a variety of side quests.

I'm a solo developer so I welcome constructive feedback.
The development of the game is still ongoing, but I'm already doing the final touches on it.

Steam store page:

Thank you for reading this post!

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