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PlayMaker Help / Re: PlayMaker + Emerald Ai 2024
« Last post by moviedrab on December 02, 2024, 09:19:39 PM »
Hey, everybody!
Has anyone tried the Emerald Ai 2024 asset with PlayMaker?
I've been trying to link the two for some time now. I have a character controller made on PlayMaker and enemies controlled by Emerald Ai 2024. I can't figure out how to make the FSM so that the enemies take damage from my character controller. And to have my character take damage from Emerald Ai enemies.
Maybe someone has done the interaction and can suggest a solution?

I have emerald but havent gotten around to playing with it. Without diving deeper in.. first thing that comes to mind is have you verified that layers are correct on both the character and the enemy?
I think it is correct.
General Discussion / Re: Looking for Opportunities to Use Playmaker for Game Development
« Last post by Shub on December 02, 2024, 11:48:09 AM »

Depending on your age, assuming your are a teenager or in your 20's I would suggest you find any job, just to save money and invest in this. You need a powerful computer, you need to pay for internet, rent, etc etc, so try to carefully analyze your budget and find a way to make some cuts so that you can afford the $30, because on a monthly budget, $30 is like a meal, so I am confident you can start saving  a couple of dollars here and there and in a couple of weeks, you have your $30 easy.

I used to wash dishes in shitty, dirty, junky bars until 3 in the morning to afford what I wanted, use to take boring jobs at packing factory in 12 hours shifts until I could find the job of my dreams. That was really shitty and depressing to be honest, but looking back, I don't regret it, it made it even more blatant that I really wanted to be a realtime 3d dev, as I was working these jobs...

Xmas is coming, instead of asking for socks, toys or else ask for playmaker! I used to ask for computing books on 3ds max, AutoCad, photoshop, flash programming when I was young, it's far more useful than a meaningless gift that will take the dust in a drawer...


Hi Jean,

Thank you so much for your thoughtful and honest reply. Hearing your story and how you worked so hard to pursue your dreams is truly inspiring. It’s a reminder to me that dedication and perseverance can lead to great things.

I understand now that I should focus on finding creative ways to save or earn, even if it means starting small. For now, I plan to use Bolt to complete my project, but I hope to eventually earn enough to purchase Playmaker and support the amazing work you’ve done.

Your advice about asking for meaningful gifts like tools or learning materials also made me think differently about priorities thank you for that perspective.

Thank you again for taking the time to share your experience. It means a lot.

Best regards,

Depending on your age, assuming your are a teenager or in your 20's I would suggest you find any job, just to save money and invest in this. You need a powerful computer, you need to pay for internet, rent, etc etc, so try to carefully analyze your budget and find a way to make some cuts so that you can afford the $30, because on a monthly budget, $30 is like a meal, so I am confident you can start saving  a couple of dollars here and there and in a couple of weeks, you have your $30 easy.

I used to wash dishes in shitty, dirty, junky bars until 3 in the morning to afford what I wanted, use to take boring jobs at packing factory in 12 hours shifts until I could find the job of my dreams. That was really shitty and depressing to be honest, but looking back, I don't regret it, it made it even more blatant that I really wanted to be a realtime 3d dev, as I was working these jobs...

Xmas is coming, instead of asking for socks, toys or else ask for playmaker! I used to ask for computing books on 3ds max, AutoCad, photoshop, flash programming when I was young, it's far more useful than a meaningless gift that will take the dust in a drawer...


General Discussion / Re: Way to learn playmaker
« Last post by jeanfabre on December 02, 2024, 09:06:24 AM »

 I would suggest you use the forum to ask specific questions as you progress in your learning journey.

Don't hesitate to ping me if you have no replies on your posts, I'll respond.


General Discussion / Re: Way to learn playmaker
« Last post by Shub on December 02, 2024, 07:25:45 AM »
The course is too old and doesn't work well.
In the case of YouTube tutorials like "Learn how to make Games: Unity and Playmaker (Part 4)", it's even more difficult to follow due to version issues.
The course updates are not keeping up with Unity versions.
Where can we find error-free tutorials?
I completely understand your frustration with outdated tutorials it can be really difficult to follow them with newer Unity and Playmaker versions.

One channel that helped me a lot is Philip Herlitz. His videos were incredibly useful, and I learned most of Playmaker from them. He even has tutorials on making 3D games and integrating Playmaker with PUN2 for multiplayer functionality.

Additionally, you might find the official Playmaker documentation helpful as it’s often updated: Playmaker Documentation.

If you’re stuck with specific challenges, feel free to share! I’d be happy to help further.
General Discussion / Re: Looking for Opportunities to Use Playmaker for Game Development
« Last post by Shub on December 02, 2024, 07:03:44 AM »

Unfortunatly, there is no trial version of "free" version of PlayMaker.

It's currently at a 50% discount at $33 so I think it's a very good deal indeed.



Hi Jean,

Thank you for your reply! I completely agree that the current discount is a great deal, and I really wish I could take advantage of it. Unfortunately, my financial situation right now doesn’t allow for it, even at the discounted price.

I understand there’s no free version or trial, but I was wondering if there are any community initiatives or developer programs that could help someone in my situation? I’d love to support Playmaker properly in the future, but I’m just looking for a way to start using it legitimately to continue developing my project.

Thank you for considering, and I appreciate your time!
General Discussion / Re: Way to learn playmaker
« Last post by moxn on December 02, 2024, 04:52:59 AM »
The course is too old and doesn't work well.
In the case of YouTube tutorials like "Learn how to make Games: Unity and Playmaker (Part 4)", it's even more difficult to follow due to version issues.
The course updates are not keeping up with Unity versions.
Where can we find error-free tutorials?
PlayMaker Help / Re: Unable to set Global GameObject value
« Last post by jeanfabre on December 02, 2024, 04:03:04 AM »

 It's a common misunderstanding indeed: a scene can be loaded and unloaded during the life time of a game, and if you have a playmaker global variable, you can't reference a gameobject from a scene during editing time, because unity doesn't know if that scene is going to be always loaded.

I too think it's a big short coming, but it's not a PlayMaker issue, it's how Unity was designed. and Regular scripts have the same restriction.

There are two main ways to go about it:

- have a dedicated tag for this gameobject, and then an fsm can search in he loaded scene by tag and get it, store it the global variable. Do that once, don't have every fsm trying to find that gameobject by tag, indeed use a global variable and do it once or when needed udinrg initialision after the scene was loaded.

- have an fsm on that gameobject that set the global variable. Then it saves the trouble of keeping track of scene loading to search for it by tag or name.

be sure in all cases, to always check that the variable is not null, so if an fsm is using that global variable, it has to first check if it's null or not.



Unfortunatly, there is no trial version of "free" version of PlayMaker.

It's currently at a 50% discount at $33 so I think it's a very good deal indeed.


General Discussion / Looking for Opportunities to Use Playmaker for Game Development
« Last post by Shub on December 01, 2024, 06:51:21 PM »

I’ve been exploring Unity for game development, and Playmaker stands out as an incredible tool for bringing ideas to life. I’m currently in a tough financial spot and cannot afford the license, even at the discounted price, but I’m eager to use Playmaker to work on a small project that means a lot to me.

I was wondering if there are any programs, options, or temporary access opportunities for developers in my situation to start working with Playmaker. I’m more than willing to pay for it as soon as I’m financially able.

Any advice or support from the community or developers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you for considering my situation!
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