SOLUTION: Mouse Wheel Scrolling for Unity Context Menus (Windows)I've created a Python script that enables mouse wheel scrolling in Unity's context menus (including PlayMaker's enum/event selection dropdowns) on Windows. While this isn't a perfect solution to the enum drawer issue, it makes navigating large lists much more manageable.
What the Script Does:
- Enables mouse wheel scrolling in Unity's context menus
- Converts mouse wheel movements into Up/Down key presses
- Only activates when Unity is the active window and a context menu is open
- Works with PlayMaker's enum/event selection dropdowns
Technical Details:
The script uses pynput to detect mouse wheel events and simulates keyboard input:
- Upward scroll → Up arrow key press
- Downward scroll → Down arrow key press
- Python installed on Windows
- pynput library (install via: pip install pynput)
- win32api (install via: pip install pywin32)
While this isn't a complete solution to the enum drawer limitations, it at least makes navigating large lists more bearable on Windows by adding mouse wheel support. The script is particularly useful when dealing with large enum lists or event selections in PlayMaker.
1. Install required Python libraries
2. Save the script and run it before opening Unity
3. Use mouse wheel to scroll through any context menu in Unity
This is a workaround while we wait for proper enum drawer improvements in Unity/PlayMaker. If anyone needs help with how to install python and run it I can maybe provide an auto hotkey version.
RECOMEND: Get a good mouse that can use fast scrolling. The Signature M650 features SmartWheel scrolling that delivers precision or speed. You can blast through the list at the speed of sound.RANT: Oh unity dev team who can’t satisfy everyone. The post from this thread confirms they are rolling back functionality to keep us in a cave. Why roll with Unity 6 if 5 and below cant get right? $$$ then, priorities shifted, and the feature took a backseat.
Here are a bunch of links that better describe the WINDOWS issue with long context menus and lead to dead ends. This is leg work for someone how can articulate the problem.