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PlayMaker Help / How to prevent objects from penetrating walls
« Last post by ZhayaGT on March 20, 2024, 10:36:17 PM »
Hello guys, I just tried to use Playmaker ;D, so I created a state where a 2D object would follow the cursor, but I encountered a problem where the object following the mouse could penetrate the wall object if forced.

Does anyone know how to prevent objects from penetrating a wall object? Even though I have added an object collider to the wall and a rigibody to the object cursor, it still penetrates the wall

Here's a video to illustrate the problem:
PlayMaker Help / 2D Explosion and Forces not Working
« Last post by AbeDieckman on March 20, 2024, 02:43:12 PM »
Hey all,

I'm attempting to make an asteroids-style RPG hybrid, but I'm finding that nothing I add to my laser-bolt collisions causes the asteroid pieces to be given any kind of explosive force (so that nearby objects and shards get knocked away).

I've tried the Explosion 2D action on the ecosystem, I've tried Explosion, I've tried Add Force, I've tried Add Explosion Force. I've tried pumping up the radius and force on all of them to huge numbers. Nothing has any effect.

My floating objects are rigid bodies with 2D collider components.

Is there something basic I don't understand? Or is there a tutorial somewhere on applying 2D forces with playmaker? I've found very little material online thus far.
PlayMaker Help / Re: Unity’s New Input System
« Last post by ramane on March 20, 2024, 04:01:32 AM »
It is a piece of knowledge that is both very insightful and helpful. I am grateful that you have provided us with this important information.

Hi all,

I have a simple task that I need to do in unity. The user has a bunch of spheres in front of him, in a 180 degree arc (S1 to S11). These are all children of the 'Spheres' parent, because I need them to maintain relative position to each other.

I am trying to do a FSM where on pressing 'C', the spheres move in front of the VR camera (using Oculus, the 'RightEyeAnchor') and then are offset by a certain amount. The spheres should maintain the same arc 'layout', but move together, as a group, to a certain point in space - in whatever direction the user is facing, plus 0.5 units in front, so they can comfortably reach these targets with the controllers.

I have used 'get/set position' and 'get/set rotation', but it only works if I am facing in a certain direction and they do not seem to rotate properly. Essentially, I am just trying to 'recenter' the spheres in front of the camera + add an offset on the local z-axis.

There's probably an easier, much more obvious way I am missing, but I'm drawing a blank. Thank you in advance for your help!

General Discussion / Is Playmaker worth it or is it better to learn how to code C#?
« Last post by Begaid on March 19, 2024, 10:10:17 AM »
I am new to programming but do have a rudimentary understanding of code. I am not nearly at the point that I could code up a project on my own but do have ideas that I want to get out. I am interested in getting Playmaker because it seems easy to pick and plug in but I want to be sure its worth it. I watched a video detailing that it is difficult to update builds of games and collaborate with others when using Playmaker. If this was true, though, I am currently a solo dev, it would make collaborate, if the opportunity arises, difficult to say the least. So I ask the community of experienced developers, are these claims against Playmaker true? Is it worth learning to use?
General Discussion / New Comer + questions
« Last post by resistoyen on March 19, 2024, 09:45:42 AM »

My name is Papir. First of all, i'm totally new to game development, but i'm learning. I discovered Playmaker & found out it's a great way for beginners to begin their journey.
Originally, i'm a writer and my wife is a sound designer.

By the way, here's my first question, as my wife does high quality work in sound design & she's looking for jobs. She never worked on games before, but mainly for theaters, marionettes shows, or video clips. I was wondering where to start to present her works or apply as a sound designer for indie devs. (Trust me, it's really high quality work).
Any advice would be great : if you're an awesome artistic sound designer, never worked in game developement but would like to, what should you do ?

Besides, my main questions are about the game i plan to develop and gamemaker, because i feel a bit confused about where, exactly, should i start ?
Well even before that, i'm also wondering if Unity is the best choice.. As the pricings seems to be an issue. But i'm not sure there is a better alternative for a beginner that unity+playmaker.

Also i'm wondering if i just should follow all the youtube tutorials before beginning ?
How much can i allow myself to ask questions on the discord or here if i'm in trouble without disturbing the community ?
Should i go on developing my game idea from the start ? Or just follow demos & tutos and simple stuff. And for how long before starting directly on my game idea ?

I guess you had some of these questions quite a lot of time, so sorry if i haven't searched the forum enough.

Thank you, per advance, for any reply !
PlayMaker Help / Re: On Trigger working in Editor but not Build
« Last post by Graham on March 19, 2024, 07:56:46 AM »
Okay, I thiiiiink I figured it out. I've made a build of my game 5 times with consistent success so knock on wood.

So if I understand it correctly, a FSM with an On Enter action automatically creates a On Enter Trigger component on the object, then is supposed to target the FSM in question that has it. For some reason, the objects that were having issue, did not link back to the FSM. The target FSM list was empty. After linking it, I've had no problems with the triggers not firing.

For good measure I updated the prefabs with what I assume were legacy scripts to make old On Enter actions work with updated versions of PlayMaker. I'm not sure what they were tbh. They were empty child objects that only appeared in the folder and not in the hierarchy when placed in the scene. Placing them in the scene and then applying the prefab got rid of them though with no issues after.

Don't know why it only broke during a build since it looked like it would be needed while playing in the editor as well though. That part still confuses me.

Thanks for sharing! This saved me a lot of time fixing the Android build after updating my project to a more recent Playmaker and Unity.
PlayMaker Help / click on an image (or button) in UI to trigger animation
« Last post by teemo on March 19, 2024, 06:47:47 AM »
Hello everyone, I have an Object with few child object (they're hidden), each contains an animation (animated sprite sheet), I want to make an UI (or canvas) in which has corresponding amount of button to trigger each animation separately (others will be hide)
Is there any tutorial for it?
PlayMaker Help / Re: Copying an array via script to an FSM array variable
« Last post by ramane on March 19, 2024, 02:48:27 AM »
You can use SaveChanges Method following these steps below: snow rider 3d
Store the result of `GetFsmArray` in a variable:
Code: [Select]
FsmArray achievementStatusFsmArray = managerPlayMakerFSM.FsmVariables.GetFsmArray("achievementStatus");
Update the array values:
Code: [Select]
achievementStatusFsmArray.boolValues = unlocked;
Call `SaveChanges` on the `achievementStatusFsmArray` variable:
Code: [Select]
That;s great. it worked. Thank you!
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