
Author Topic: [Question] How would one go about?  (Read 1429 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 3
[Question] How would one go about?
« on: August 16, 2015, 11:39:15 AM »
Hi all,

I want to workout an idea in an offline scenario where the player has to learn skills to perform actions. The player learns these skills over time. The learning of the skills are started via buttons.

I really appreciate any help & advice how to achieve this and I have the following questions:
- As learning skills is not an active part of the gameplay, would you use a different scene in which a player can perform the actions?
- How would one manage & display the progress (in time) of the learning of the skill?
- Which var would you create in which script and on which object would you attach that?

Is this the general approach?

- Create a player object
- Attach skill manager script to player object(?) which holds several global vars for skills (skill1, skills, skill3) & methods that store and manage progress of skill learning
- Create buttons with onClick actions that call to skill manager methods

If so, I still find it hard to achieve the over time bit. Maybe store an int and ++ int until certain value is achieved over time and calculate the result of the int after 1 minute?

What would you use in Playmaker to achieve this?

Thanks guys


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 31
Re: [Question] How would one go about?
« Reply #1 on: August 31, 2015, 11:37:54 PM »
The simplest way would be increment the skill variable by 1 each click using Int Add action then use Int Compare right after it in sequenced actions and have it fire off whatever your completed transition is. You could limit how fast the player clicked by using a very small wait at end of sequence and transitioning through a state that sets a canClick variable to true. You set this to NO at very start of sequence when tallying click # and parse through it before accepting click transition to sequenced tally clicks action state.

I would have a bar gui object that sets it length based on the skill variable each pass...