
Author Topic: [SOLVED] 'Get/Set Property' picks another value variable. I'm going crazy...  (Read 960 times)


  • Junior Playmaker
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  • Posts: 68
Hi there,

I have a prefab "Char", with a 'SkinFSM' that has many FSM variables, used to temporarily hold the values of the actual script that has the properties for the character.

At first, I was dragging the script component to the action:

That worked, but I found out I couldn't safely copy+paste those actions and just change the properties I wanted to set or get. Sometimes I had the issue of my topic title happening.

That is, I set the action like this...:

...but then, at runtime, it did this nonsense...:

After some time scratching my head, I found out I couldn't copy+paste any action containing a Get/Set Property, and just modify the Property and Value dropdown lists. I actually needed to create a new action and drag the component to the actions.

And I reluctantly did that, so everything could work.

But yesterday I realized that a possible fix could be getting the component and reference it, instead of dragging it every single time. I thought it could solve the problem and make my life easier by just copy+paste all those actions...

And guess what... I've returned to have the incorrect variables on many Get/Set Property actions:

This is complete and utter madness...

So, I started to try things again, like adding an action referencing a dragged component...:

...and I got this:

More nonsense. Now the first and second action use the correct FSM var to set the property.

Then I delete the second action to go back to the previous situation, and...:

Even more nonsense. Now it's working as it should.

It's like if adding another action "refreshes" the whole thing to reference the correct variable. And yes, I've fixed the whole issue by duplicating all Get/Set actions.

But, it goes without saying how uneasy this makes me feel. I can't depend on PlayMaker deigning to work as it should, you know...

Who knows why this is happening and if other parts of the system are "compromised".

Is this a known issue and I've been living under a rock all this time...?

Note this is happening in a Prefab. And I also have another issue on the Bug Reporting forum, with events NOT being deleted from the list.

I wonder if all of this is related...  :-\

Please, I'd LOVE to have some feedback on this.

Thank you!
« Last Edit: September 05, 2020, 11:42:34 AM by Anaxtasia »
Unity 2019.4.9f1
Playmaker 1.9.7f1


  • Junior Playmaker
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  • Posts: 68
Re: 'Get/Set Property' picks another value variable. I'm going crazy...
« Reply #1 on: September 05, 2020, 10:48:59 AM »

Every time I change something related to variables in a prefab, this happens. This time was something so innocent as changing the name of a local variable.

And then I need to recreate EVERY SINGLE Get/Set Property action from the scratch, so it works again.

And I'm seriously surprised this didn't get any attention whatsoever from the staff. And it's not the first time I've been ignored while posting a possible bug. Been waiting for a month with another one...

Is it time I migrate to Bolt? Are you guys letting this asset slowly die by not attending support requests?

If I'm a moron that suddenly doesn't know how to use this plugin, so be it. Prove me wrong and humiliate me. But don't ignore my questions, ffs.
Unity 2019.4.9f1
Playmaker 1.9.7f1


  • Junior Playmaker
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  • Posts: 68
Re: 'Get/Set Property' picks another value variable. I'm going crazy...
« Reply #2 on: September 05, 2020, 11:01:32 AM »
I have more feedback about this.

This is the prefab FSM:

And this is the pre-instanced object's FSM:

The instance is obviously wrong and that's why I have that behavior at runtime.


Correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't see any FSM-related modification to revert back to the prefab.

The FSM in the instance should be using the "tie" variable, instead of the "shirt" one.

So, I only see three options here:

1.- I'm doing something wrong.
2.- Unity is getting nuts.
2.- This is an actual bug on PM side.

I'm going to back up the whole thing, upgrade Unity to the 2019 LTS version, and come back with more feedback but please say something.

Am I doing something obviously wrong here?

Unity 2019.4.9f1
Playmaker 1.9.7f1


  • Junior Playmaker
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  • Posts: 68
Re: 'Get/Set Property' picks another value variable. I'm going crazy...
« Reply #3 on: September 05, 2020, 11:42:04 AM »
Okay, it's solved now.

It seems it was Unity all this time.

So, it's my fault for not upgrading first. Sorry for that outburst up there...  :-\
Unity 2019.4.9f1
Playmaker 1.9.7f1