
Author Topic: Trouble Playing Animations (fbx imported, some work, some not)  (Read 1591 times)


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Trouble Playing Animations (fbx imported, some work, some not)
« on: January 16, 2014, 07:10:59 PM »

I apologize.

I am very new to Playmaker (used over a year ago and forgot all since), and am stuck on a problem so basic I haven't even been able to find a tutorial to help me.  The question - why some fbx imported animations work in Playmaker, and other don't.

The scene I am working on is uploaded as a package here:
Everything is included except for Playmaker itself (as I assumed it'd be inappropriate to include that).

The scene contains two models, both imported as fbx's, both with their animations imported as a single animation, split in Unity into multiple clips.

The 'Kitchen Drawer' model has three animations - drawer open, drawer wobbles, drawer falls, saved in the fbx in that order.  The first animation works, both when played with Unity and with FSM.  The second and third animations played okay with Unity (hard to tell in scene when all the animations are playing at once, but they do actually work).  However, even though these second and third animations can be played by Unity they completely fail to play when played with Playmaker.

The 'Target' model's animations all completely fail to play in Playmaker.

All the animations are set to play in Legacy mode.  If there is any more information I should include please let me know.

I apologize again for posting what I assume is an incredibly obvious question relating to a noobish mistake - but atm I am at my wits end trying just to play animations, and getting nowhere.  I would infinitely appreciate anyone's help.
« Last Edit: January 16, 2014, 08:43:17 PM by LexDWills »