
Author Topic: Stitch Skeletal Meshes  (Read 2474 times)


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Stitch Skeletal Meshes
« on: February 12, 2015, 12:42:18 PM »
Dear Playmaker Community!

I have an action request, but its more like a translating i think, because the C# script is exist its here:

Copy one skinnedmesh renderer onto another with same bones. They bones must have the same names. The point is to have only one set of bones and one animation component for a changing number of skinned mesh renderer. Think swappable equipment pieces.

Use the function AddSkinnedMeshTo. The first parameter is the root of the object containing the animation component, the bones and the skinned mesh renderer you want to add to the main object. The second parameter is the transform of that main object. The last one determine if SetActiveRecursively(false) is used on the first parameter or not. The return value is a list of all the gameobjects added to the main object.

If anyone can translate this scipt to Playmaker action it would be awesome! I cant code myself, but i know that this is possible because someone has done it before, but the files are lost.