
Author Topic: Assigning FSM reference to actions during runtime  (Read 946 times)


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Assigning FSM reference to actions during runtime
« on: February 27, 2017, 02:26:09 PM »
Hello guys,
I am fairly new to Playmaker and Simple Waypoint Waypoint System (SWS).
A brief overview of what I am doing so that it gives a clearer picture of what I am trying to achieve.
I am using the SWS and Playmaker to:
-spawn humanoid models in runtime
-assign a waypoint path from a pool of predefined paths to the humanoid in runtime.
-assign predefined FSM templates that assist the humanoids to walk on that path
-These FSMs interact with other systems in the game environment

I want the humanoids to fire events at specific waypoint for which we already have an action called: SWS_Add Event At Waypoint

But the issue here is that this action requires it to specify the FSM reference beforehand i.e before we start/play the game.
I have attached a snip of the action for reference.
Because I am generating the humanoids at runtime and assigning them FSM templates during runtime I am not able to find any way to assign their own FSM reference to the action at runtime.

I hope I have made myself clear. Any help will be greatly appreciated.


« Last Edit: February 27, 2017, 02:28:23 PM by nbagul_ITC »