
Author Topic: Help making a sprite into a clickable button  (Read 1414 times)


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Help making a sprite into a clickable button
« on: July 18, 2017, 03:45:32 PM »
So I'm working in unity 2d trying to help a friend make something for a presentation but I made a mistake. I set a bunch of stuff to trigger using the get mouse down action and it wasn't until later i realized that it didn't matter where I was clicking it was still triggering. I want to make so that the click will only register if i do it over the button. I seem to remember using mouse pick 2d event in the past but when I tried it now it doesn't do anything. Can anyone help?


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Re: Help making a sprite into a clickable button
« Reply #1 on: July 18, 2017, 11:24:51 PM »
Hi, I made a tutorial here about clicking objects and then moving them. While it is a 3d tutorial, the same applies to 2d. The first half is all about clicking objects/elements with playmaker and how to get mouse over/mouse exit, mouse down/mouse up just on specific things.