
Author Topic: update PlayMaker ( and Unity (5.6.7f1) to new-Unity (2021.3.23f1)  (Read 430 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 1

I have inherited a project I worked on five years ago with others. I need to update it to use newer plugins, but, there are some PlayMaker scenes I don't know how to recreate.


- The Unity 2021 APIs don't like PlayMaker 1.7.?? and when I switched the files around ... the FSMs on my objects became "script not found"

- I "hand updated" the playmaker scripts ... and the same thing happened with the scripts seeming to change GUIDs or something and Unity can't find the mono sources for the components.

So ... what's the "upgrade workflow" for this? I assume I start with PlayMaker itself?