
Author Topic: Unable to update following assemblies:Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/PlayMakerEditor.dl  (Read 738 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 1
I'm new to the PlayMaker, just download it from the Asset Store.
And it doesn't seems to be working.

Right after the installation I've got this error message:

Code: [Select]
Unable to update following assemblies:Assets/PlayMaker/Editor/PlayMakerEditor.dll (Name = PlayMakerEditor, Error = 131) (Output: /var/folders/41/3kq2yq2n4xq5dz_yl5l4f2mc0000gn/T/tmp65da1e35.tmp)

I'm on Mac, using Unit 2022.3.24.

Any ideas what can I do with it?