
Author Topic: Help! Rotation not Rotating...  (Read 1415 times)


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    • Frame Tale Studios
Help! Rotation not Rotating...
« on: March 13, 2015, 10:15:33 AM »
Please check the package (unity5) to see the problem, it's better than my explanation.

*includes a new Playmaker action mathf.smoothdamp

explanation: I have a cannon that is rotating to the mouse using get screen point and mathf rad2deg on the X and Y of those two points. That part works. What doesn't work is trying to smooth that rotation using the mathf.smoothdamp with the current rotation. I have the whole thing in script form and in actions to try and solve it but I keep hitting walls. Any help with this would be really appreciated!

*Anyone else can use the 2D rotation if they want as well, just change the set vector 3.z from lerp _fl to rotationZ _fl.
All my VR games use Steam VR Playmaker Toolkit:
And Oculus Touch Playmaker Toolkit:

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