
Author Topic: [WIP] Space comander [Shoot'em UP]  (Read 4128 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 9
[WIP] Space comander [Shoot'em UP]
« on: May 07, 2015, 01:02:12 PM »
Hello everyone,

About me:
I introduce myself, fudge74 alias Yonathân,I'm 17 years old I'm high school student I live in Haute-Savoie and from the age of 13 I am interested in the creation of video games, especially the graphics part of the video games. At the age of 14/15 years, I became interested in 3D modeling, so I started with Blender and Cinema 4D, 3Ds Max and Maya (in student version ^^ 3 years) and I found the app that suit me the most was Autodesk Maya.
After many project dropouts throughout the independent team I joined (I must worn bad luck), I decided to put myself alone starting with a tower defense that was too complicated for my knowledge Playmaker so I found this project not too complicated, just enough to learn!

The project:

Name: Space Comander
Genre: Shooter (inspired Solit'Space, the draft BlackEagle my friends ^^)
View: Top
Project Start Date: February 2015
Public target: Everyone
Platform: PC / Mac
Game Universe: Science Fiction
Technoligie (s) used:

    Autodesk Maya (student) (Modeling)

    Playmaker (Development)

    Unity 3D (Debut 4.6, Currently: 5.0.1)

    Ddo + Photoshop (Texturing)

Advanced project:

    Shooting System (right click)

    Bonus system (Ammo/ Life)

    Bonnus Shooting *

    Player Life

    2 types of enemy (Minion, Enemy rarer)

    Rare Enemy Minion Life +

    Minion Enemy Attack + uncommon


    Main Menu

    Scores Chart

    Backups scores when the player dies

* Pulls bonus: After killing X enemy, the player improves and the gun fired 2 missiles / clicks. Once the level reaches 2, after killing the enemy cannon X Player and re-enhance and draws 3 Missiles / clicks.
Screen and 3D model

Links to Sketchfab folder that contains all the 3D models in the game:

Project Goal: To me, the purpose of this project, and to learn more about unity, learn 3D modeling because I want to do my job later and finally complete at least one project: D

Thank you for reading through and forgiveness for the misspelling
I'm sorry for my bad english, I'm french and i have used google traduction  :-[
« Last Edit: May 07, 2015, 05:25:36 PM by fudge »


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 9
Re: [WIP] Space comander [Shoot'em UP]
« Reply #1 on: May 15, 2015, 11:04:33 AM »
up with the boss model :