implementing fsm as action of course will be very nice. especially if it is easy to implement.
but i still need more , this could be on far plane.
in the current PlayMaker system , i see the state as group, and actions as states running same time with order
this mean each state is group contains many states,which could be running at same time.
as i remember from my college, there is a special transition called (epsilon moves), and this transition make more than one state can check the part of "NFA-ε" you can see from table , if the current state is S0 if ε event triggered it will go to {S1, S3}
but there is proof as i remember .any state machine with (epsilon moves) can be redesigned to be a union many of state machines without (epsilon moves), which is exactly what playMaker do.
but... this unions of state machine is not in one component.
i can not save them together, i can not share data between them.
this issue could be fixed by supporting ( ε transition ), or simplify communicating between different FSMs , like putting a list of FSM in one component , each one with different page.
but i still prefer supporting ( ε transition ) , because i like to see all states in my state machines.