
Author Topic: Would anyone create a very small templates for a fee?  (Read 3829 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 5
Would anyone create a very small templates for a fee?
« on: June 17, 2015, 04:30:20 PM »
Hello everyone,

My apologies in advance if the following post is inappropriate for this forum or if it belongs in a different section. 

I have searched for a PlayMaker template for my project to no avail.  As you can probably guess, I am new to both Unity and PlayMaker, though I am not new to creating iOS apps.  I was wondering if anyone does small PlayMaker projects or templates for a commercial fee.  This project is iPad Retina specific, at least for the moment, though it would be nice for it to also play on an iPad 2.  Here is what I have in mind:

1.  The user it goes to a specific screen from a main menu.  (I can do this part ;-) )

2.  An audio file plays, along with an animation of 4 objects.  The purpose of this is to demonstrate the action that the player is to engage in with the next screen.  The audio ends with the phrase, "Now you try!"

3  The user touches the "My turn" button which navigates to the appropriate screen.

4.  This new screen is an exact copy of the previous screen

5.  The user moves object 1 to the correct target position. An audio file is activated and object 1 is locked into place.  If object 1 is not positioned correctly to its target position, then object one moves back to its starting position.

6.  Step 5 above is repeated for objects 2, 3, and 4.  The order does not matter.

7.  Once all 4 objects are locked into place, an audio file is activated which rewards the user with "Well done!"

8.  A "Reset" button is always at the bottom of the screen which allows the user to repeat the exercise.

9.  There are also "Next", "Main Menu", and a "Back" button at the bottom.  The "Back" button simply navigates to the demonstration screen in Step 2 above.

I will supply all graphics and sound files.

Since I started this project in a different program, but quickly realized that Unity3D/PlayMaker is the better choice because of the technical limitations of my current development program, I will also provide you with a screen video that illustrates the above steps 1-9 using my program's iPad simulator.

To benefit you, on top of your fee, I will allow you to offer this template to your collection or for any other professional or personal use but without the graphics and audio.  Sorry, but they are proprietary. 

I'm guessing it's more appropriate to contact me via email than on the forum.  I have that option enabled in my profile settings.

Again, I apologize if this post is inappropriate in any way.
