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How deep is the network ability in 1.3 of playmaker?

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Alex Chouls:
@shadowspark: The Playmaker Photon integration should be ready very soon (we hope to show it off at GDC). Still 10 weeks is not a lot of time, so you should weigh your options carefully and have a Plan B and C ready! We can't guarantee a release date.

I agree that it's not ideal sifting through the forums for custom actions right now. A few things we're working on that should help:

* Posting completed custom action sets in the community wiki (WIP):
* Adding more of the actions posted on the forums to official Playmaker updates (and noting that on the forum thread).
* Internally we're starting to use an Assembla workspace to keep user submitted custom actions under version control. We might open this up more soon...
@FractalCore: 1.3 ships with new Network sample scenes that should help you get started. Import the PlayMakerSamples.unitypackage and look in PlaymakerSamples/Network.

NOTE: DO NOT install the samples over your project! Make a new PlaymakerSamples project!

The samples are numbered in increasing complexity, starting with basic connection, NetworkView usage, syncing fsm variables... If you work through them you should get a good working knowledge of some networking basics.

Thanks a ton for the reply, hope it get's to be shown off that soon as it will really open up what this can do and help with, cause photon was what I was looking at to try and get a server running before discovering it was much harder than they made it sound like, as it tends to be, and of course in the end you'd need an expert programmer.
Playmaker with photon support should hopefully really break through to much larger possibilities.
I guess the best thing I can do now is seeing if I can setup a functioning multiplayer, and if I can manage that stick around waiting for the photon support while I get back to working on assets.

Those are some great steps towards supporting the custom actions and making them easy to access and learn about, and it's awesome to see that you are taking it so seriously. Maybe it would benefit you to have a sticky linking to that or something of the sort in the actual share new actions forum, because that may inspire people or give them a warm and happy feeling to know that their work is appreciated and supported more than by the people who may or may not just randomly download their custom actions.
Though that may end up leading people to just pose rushed random custom actions and then hassle you wandering why they didn't get theirs into the wiki, so I guess as it is now works fine, I'm just really happy to have discovered it, thanks for sharing that link and information on all the other ways you are supporting them.

Great to hear that there are some network samples available to start you off.

I guess in the end I'm just going to have to hope for the best and hope that my approach ends up working instead of screwing me over, thanks for the reply's and I'm really hoping to see photon support in a release soon :)!

P.S. Expect many questions in the help forum from me soon :P


 Yes, photon really works very well, especially the cloud system, connecting and management is just truly no brainer compare to unity networking. I am very happy with what I have so far, and when it's going to get reviewed, I am sure it's going to be a very helpful addition to playmaker.

But it's true: network is a concept you have to learn, photon is not magic... you still have network view concepts, spawning, and player management, that will not really change compare to unity networking. You know, we do assume so many given regards real time 3d and 3d environment, but someone that never had to deal with transform will have a hard time to grasp concept and finds his/her way around it. so it's just a matter of learning new concepts. once you have sufficiently mess with them , it will become natural to work with.

Keep the question coming up! :)



Great to hear it's going so well, can't wait to have it in the program :D It'll put it ahead of competition for sure :)! And will open it up to many more genres for everyone that's a designer, not a programmer.

Of course, but at least with something like playmaker, it makes it much easier for those that can grasp mechanics/etc, but are unable to store so many programming rules in memory and everything along with that which is required when setting up networking from scratch, to be able to develop games that use networking and the likes.

Will the progress of adding photon be tracked anywhere or progress updated, or is it just a matter of waiting for it's release?

INNNNCREDIBLE!!! I can't believe you are adding photon!!!!!! Truly AMAZING!!! Thank you so much!

As shadowspark asked is there somewhere to follow the progress of adding photon?? It's nearly been 2 months since shadowspark posted and I (and I'm sure others) would like to know how it's coming along. I can't wait!


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