
Author Topic: Playmaker + Photon to Unity 5.2.2f1 [SOLVED]  (Read 1417 times)


  • Junior Playmaker
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Playmaker + Photon to Unity 5.2.2f1 [SOLVED]
« on: October 28, 2015, 12:47:21 PM »
I had a problem when I tried to make a new project with the new unity, pm, and photon but you can avoid this.

The key is the sequence.

So to create a new playmaker + photon on to Unity5.2.2f1 follow this sequence:

- New empty project
- Import Playmaker from assetstore
- Import Ecosystem
- Import the Playmaker P U N (for Unity4, not for unity5) from the Ecosystem
- Import Photon worked demo if you want (not necessary)

If you use the "Playmaker P U N" for unity5 pack in the Ecosystem, you will got few error and you cant solve it!

You need to import the Playmaker P U N (for unity 4) and it will automatically import/update the unity 5 pack too but with this sequence you not will got errors.