
Author Topic: Unnamed Topdown Prototype  (Read 4579 times)


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    • Peter Hann .de
Unnamed Topdown Prototype
« on: November 14, 2015, 06:15:47 PM »
Working on a little Project using Unity/Playmaker the last few weeks . It's my second major Project I'm doing with Unity after spending last year almost sole with Prototypes that I abandoned or put on hold at some point. Would be nice to get some feedback on it and the project still lacks of a solid name btw. (just saying)

Halfway through with Inventory implementation - always so many cases to consider ;-)


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Re: Unnamed Topdown Prototype
« Reply #1 on: December 07, 2015, 06:43:10 PM »
That looks awesome dude! Reminds me of a top down version of Stalker.
I wanted to ask how you got the character to move and rotate so nicely like that?
In particular, how did you create the strafe movement in relation to where the pointer is? I'm trying to do the same in my project but having trouble with getting it like yours and can't for the life of me get the animations working.


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    • Peter Hann .de
Re: Unnamed Topdown Prototype
« Reply #2 on: December 08, 2015, 06:55:55 AM »
That looks awesome dude! Reminds me of a top down version of Stalker.
I wanted to ask how you got the character to move and rotate so nicely like that?
In particular, how did you create the strafe movement in relation to where the pointer is? I'm trying to do the same in my project but having trouble with getting it like yours and can't for the life of me get the animations working.

Hey, thanks. There are two ways you can do strafing - character relative movement or screen relative movement plus let the Character look at the mouse courser impact point while aiming. While setting the animator strafe value is easy with character relative movement by just using the input axis it's a little tricky with screen relative movement. I end up using set/get velocity to feed that to my animator. Hope that helps - if not I let me know.