Tested both of them and the 2D action by far gives the best and most accurate results!
I didn't notice much of a difference with the 3D tho. Made some gifs to show it on my end:
3D action
https://www.dropbox.com/s/xr6tahiotwtn3im/hitbox_issue.gif?dl=02D action
https://www.dropbox.com/s/7m2i3g9em1wf54s/hitbox_2d.gif?dl=0Also got some errors after I imported the 2D action. In line 104-110 there were some converting issues. I simply removed the if-else-endif lines and only kept:
Collider2D[] results = new Collider2D[99];
col.OverlapCollider(filter, results);
Worked fine after that!
I guess I'll do a combination of 3D and 2D physics, it seems to work to have Rigidbody on-top of the hierarchy and Rigidbody2D further down lol. Even tho it's a 2D game I feel I have a lot more control and flexibility when using 3D components haha.
Here's the full message from console btw, in case you want the full thing:
The best overloaded method match for `UnityEngine.Collider2D.OverlapCollider(UnityEngine.ContactFilter2D, UnityEngine.Collider2D[])' has some invalid arguments
error CS1502: Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/ArrayMaker/ListGameObjectsInsideCollider2D.cs(106,8)
Argument `#2' cannot convert `System.Collections.Generic.List<UnityEngine.Collider2D>' expression to type `UnityEngine.Collider2D[]'
error CS1503: Assets/PlayMaker Custom Actions/ArrayMaker/ListGameObjectsInsideCollider2D.cs(106,32)
Using unity version 2018.2.10f1