
Author Topic: FsmObject Variable  (Read 1569 times)


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    • Bzilla Games
FsmObject Variable
« on: February 10, 2016, 03:48:34 PM »

I am working on a small set of custom actions regarding tk2DTilemaps, I am not a coder and most I do is Copy, Paste, Combine, and ask for help :) Thank you

I have written this code and so far it is working just as expected, the only problem, since the Object required is a tk2dtilemap Object, I cannot have it as a drop down menu so I can choose from a stored Object variable. Only drag and drop works. How can I convert the tk2dtilemap object to be in the Object Variable?

I hope im clear enough, Thank you

Code: [Select]
using UnityEngine;

namespace HutongGames.PlayMaker.Actions

[ActionCategory("2D Toolkit/TileMaps")]
[Tooltip("Gets the Tile ID (Sprite ID) at a given position (Vector3) of the Tilemap")]
public class GetTileIDatPosition : FsmStateAction
[Tooltip("The Tilemap to Choose from")]

public tk2dTileMap TileObject;

[Tooltip("The Layer Number for the target Tile")]
public FsmInt LayerNumber;

[Tooltip("The Position for the target Tile")]
public FsmVector3 TilePosition;

[Tooltip("Returned Tiled ID")]
public FsmInt TileID;

public override void Reset()
TileObject = null;
LayerNumber = null;
TilePosition = null;

// Code that runs on entering the state.
public override void OnEnter()



public override void OnUpdate ()
DoGetTileID ();


void DoGetTileID()

if (TileObject == null)

LogWarning("Missing tk2Dtilemap component");


TileID.Value = TileObject.GetTileIdAtPosition (TilePosition.Value, LayerNumber.Value);



Bzilla Games "Education with a Tickle!"
Qbucket Games "Voxel Games"