Not sure if itween's "accurate lob" example would work for a situation like this here there's several ways you could achieve this.
One would be to keep track of which objects are getting tagged while the button is held down over them (targeting reticule or mouse cursor or touch), then upon release it would switch to a state that creates a missile object from the players character which then uses a itween path that's created on the fly between the players location and the position of each enemy, and the missile simply travels along that path until it reaches the end where it would explode.
I haven't played much with itween paths but i think all you have to do is create a few empty game objects (one for the player position, and one for the target, and one or 2 for the "arc" of the path of flight for the missile.
Then have the player one parented to the players position, and the target one would dynamically parent to the target object after being tagged. The arc ones would have to be setup to be some sort of calculated distance between the player and the target. eg: halfway between the two objects and up 10 units in Y for example.
Here's more info on the itween path editor