
Author Topic: Any requirements for Fixed Update?  (Read 1601 times)


  • Junior Playmaker
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  • Posts: 86
Any requirements for Fixed Update?
« on: August 19, 2016, 08:39:37 PM »
I came across an issue which I couldn't be sure of the cause.

- I modified Float Operator script as a custom action executing in Late Update, worked fine
- then I modified it to work in Fixed Update but it didn't work. I added Debug.Log to see if it enters OnFixedUpdate, It didn't.
- I restarted Unity. (nothing changed)
- then I asked myself how all the scripts with OnFixedUpdate worked and added a Rotate Action (which has fixed update option) into that state.(it rotated another game object)

Then magically, modified "Float Operator Fixed Update" started working like a charm.

FixedUpdate is generally used with rigidbody operations, is there a chance that playmaker added a component that made fixedupdate working on that gameobject?

Unity 5.3.4f1 - Playmaker 1.8.1


I found it. :)

Fsm.HandleFixedUpdate = true; has to be added into OnPreprocess for fixed update to work with fsms.

Thanks again.

Custom Action wizard doesn't add Fsm.HandleFixedUpdate = true; with Fixedupdate selected.
« Last Edit: August 19, 2016, 08:56:29 PM by ergin »