[EDIT: full package for NGUI support available on the wiki:
This actually isn't an action, but a component that forwards NGUI Events to a PlayMakerFSM.
Put this component on the GameObject with the Collider used by NGUI.
Choose an FSM to send events to (leave blank to target an FSM on the same GameObject).
You can rename the events to match descriptive event names in your FSM. E.g., "OK Button Pressed"
NOTE: Use the Get Event Info action in PlayMaker to get event arguments.
See also:
http://www.tasharen.com/?page_id=160This is a first step in NGUI integration. More NGUI actions coming soon!
NOTE: You can already interface with NGUI quite a bit using the Get/Set Property actions...
EDIT: Added a few screenshots to show usage.