I'm the author of
FingerGestures, a Unity plugin that allows you to detect common input gestures. Due to popular request, I’ve recently been working with Alex on adding support for FingerGestures to PlayMaker, and now have something ready for testing!
I've attached to this post a package with the early beta version of the new FingerGesture actions. At the moment there's only two of them:
- FingerGestureDetectInput allows you to detect all the default gestures supported by FingerGestures (finger down, finger up, tap, double tap, swipe, long press, pinch, rotation...) and generate an FSM event along with output variables you can store some of the gesture data in
- FingerGesturesGetFingerInfo lets you access all the properties of a specific finger (position, delta position, touch status, touch start time, etc)
It also comes with built-in support for interacting with scene objects via gestures, which should make it quite easy to work with. For instance, you can have the tap gesture event fire only if a specific object was tapped.
I would really appreciate if some of you with access to FingerGestures could give this a try and give me some feedback here.
Thanks in advance!
UPDATE: v0.3
- Made the FingerGesturesDetectionInput stateless when it comes to handling continuous gestures such as drag, pinch and rotation.
- Added "Must Hit Object" property to the FingerGesturesDetectionInput action to require a valid object to be present under the finger(s) for events to fire
- Added support for dragging objects via the FingerGestureDragObject action. See "Playmaker Drag" sample scene in the Samples folder.
- Added "Playmaker Tap" sample in the Samples folder
UPDATE: v0.2
- Added Ignore Layer property to FingerGesturesDetectInput action to ignore colliders in specific layers when raycast for objects under the finger
- Removed left-over raycast in FingerGesturesActionHelpers.PickObject()