For VR projects, your main focus will be the User experience and Interaction with the UI and world, which is not really related to PlayMaker per say. the other big thing will be optimization and realistic look and feel of your point of view, object scale, camera point of view, etc, which is critical for a true immersive experience that feels right.
The first thing you'll need is likely the interaction with UI like buttons, and for this I created a sample on the
Ecosystem which implements a Gaze system, that if you stay long enough above a button it will be clicked.
https://twitter.com/JeanAtPlayMaker/status/746280207510831105Then, I would simply go for it and when you struggle for a particular feature, simply shout on this forum, maybe a few custom actions will solve the problem or some tricks and you'll be progressing that way. It's difficult to give a general set of advice because each projects are so different that it's best to narrow down on very small and isolated problems and then build up from there.