As an individual, I do have my perks and also my weaknesses. My strength lies in my cognition and out of the box thinking, ideas and concepts. I'm also somewhat excellent when it comes to modelling, as you've probably noticed through the demo. I've been able to whip up fully playable demos in 23 days before, in essence it is no miracle for me to accomplish what I set out to.
My weaknesses however, is manpower. Even though I can do, basically everything there is necessary to complete this game... If I were to really do everything, it would take tons of time. I don't mind conceptualizing, modelling and scripting but I do have a problem with, yes... you guessed it. Texturing. It's a daunting task and I hate it. I hate polishing assets in general. Unless I'm going to go full mudbox projection painting on this, which I honestly can't afford. Even then would I still have to browse the web searching for reference and images to use as textures.
My other weakness is level design, I don't mind whipping up a few weapons, vehicles, props or characters in 10, 15, 20 minutes each (literally) and UV mapping them. I'm yet to come to a conclusion of how to design and UV map any form of building or architectural structure. I use blueprints a lot for all my models, but save the floor plan, there are no blueprint for buildings.
This is in all honesty.