
Author Topic: Asset Store Package Denied Because of PlayMakerGlobals.unitypackage  (Read 1224 times)


  • Playmaker Newbie
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  • Posts: 48
    • IndieGamerWorld
I spent a couple of months making a really awesome asset store package using playmaker and they just denied me because of the PlayMakerGlobals.unitypackage inside of my package.

This is what they said... "We ask that you remove the .unitypackage from the submission as these files obscure the content of the package. If the content is essential to the submission then extract it into the file structure."

I added PlayMakerGlobals.asset in my Plugins>PlayMaker>Resources folder, and it works correctly on new projects, but how can I import the global variables into a project that already contains previous global variables without adding the PlayMakerGlobals.unitypackage?? I don't want it to overwrite people's globals in their projects.

Thanks, and let me know because I'm kind of stuck right now and it will be greatly appreciated!