
Author Topic: How to reach for Script's function through action? [SOLVED]  (Read 6929 times)


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Re: How to reach for Script's function through action? [SOLVED]
« Reply #15 on: October 30, 2017, 03:19:39 AM »

 now that you are diving into the api of PlayMaker :)

 If you want more power, be sure to check out what the PlayMaker utils offers, I created over the years a lot of functions to communicate with PlayMaker easily, like sending an event to an Object without having to hold a ref to a PlayMakerFsm, just fire out of the blue very easily.

PlayMaker Utils is used in pretty much all the assets on the Ecosystem, like uGui, ArrayMaker, dataMaker, pathfinding, etc etc, so be sure to check it out.

I also created some specific classes that are meant to be used in your monobehaviours and exposes access to PlayMaker in the inspector, let me know if you need more info on this. basically you could be setting up the event to send all in the inspector without any hardcoding in the script itself.

