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[SOLVED] How to make a timer count to 60 rather than 100

<< < (2/2)


 Ok, here we go. your misunderstanding of the situation is the following:

 a float is treated as a base 100 as default, because this is the way we count. If you want to think as a float representing the number of seconds of a time span, then you need to use specific function ( hours are base 24, minutes and seconds are base 60. While you can compute that yourself with simply math trick, c# has it all figured out for you already.

 So I made an action that wrap all this:

In your case, the format you want to set is the following:


and that will really show a time as we understand it ( seconds counting to 60 to increment 1 minute)

If you have difficulty with this formating concept, visit and msdn help ( in the thread above)



Thank you very much Jean, it works perfectly :)

This should be really helpful for others as well.

Also thanks for explaining how each value is looked at within unity :)


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