
Author Topic: M2H games ported to PlayMaker  (Read 4800 times)


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M2H games ported to PlayMaker
« on: June 12, 2012, 08:26:52 AM »

 I finally finished the last two M2H games ( Breakout and shooting gallery). so now you can download the package and play all of them games exclusivly done with playmaker, an no custom scripts, actions, or anything but just the standard playmaker package.

I highly recommend these for beginners and intermediate users willing to study some design patterns. these games are very simple, and all take less than an hour to build when you know playmaker. Each game only have handfull of Fsm, so this is not overwhelming to get your head around them and therefore a very very good base to discuss things, why it is so, how we can do it differently, the different approach compare to scripting, possible suggestion to improve the game, and add new stuff to it, port them to mobile, implement multi user, etc etc.

 I am currently finishing the documentation for them games, so that you can learn and make the most of these games for you to get up and running doing your own games.

Each game, and each fsm have their dedicated page on the user wiki, and can be accessed right from playmaker editor via the little blue book icon in the fsm editor view on the top right.

 Feedback and suggestions eagerly awaited, so that I can improve the doc.

Have fun!



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Re: M2H games ported to PlayMaker
« Reply #1 on: June 12, 2012, 09:22:48 AM »
definitely a *must-check-out* :D
I especially like your big Red and Neon yellow Warning in the wiki, one can really not help but to notice it :P


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Re: M2H games ported to PlayMaker
« Reply #2 on: June 12, 2012, 09:43:24 AM »

 Yes, this is one process that hopefully will get easier in the future, cause now this is a source of frustration if the steps are not followed properly. the only game really affected is the breakout, the rest will work fine if you simply import the globals. ACtually, maybe I should simply not use a global var and access it internaly... Will see how it goes. Maybe the next version of playmaker will address this issue, so will see.

