Hi all,
Having a challenging time getting a velocity reading from my Oculus Touch controller.
I am trying to upon Trigger (hold) spawn an object which I then release trigger and throw. Everything works except the throw part. I click and the fireball spawns in my hand. I can hold, move and rotate it as I wanted. When I go to throw and release the trigger it just drops to the ground.
I am watching the velocity in the inspector and it doesn't change from 0,0,0. Neither does the angular velocity. I have tried getting velocity from the RightController and the RightHandAnchor (parent when running) and also the spawned object itself.
I have tried turning the rigidbody component on/off (get/set property). Swapping the order of get / set velocity - not that this matters as the numbers still read 0,0,0.
Script Aliases for controllers are set correctly on the [VRTK_SDK_Manager].
I am obviously doing something wrong as the action works in the video tutes.
Can anyone please tell me where?
Thank you for your time reading. I appreciate your help.