
Author Topic: Easy Save Help  (Read 1212 times)


  • Junior Playmaker
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  • Posts: 66
Easy Save Help
« on: May 06, 2018, 08:57:47 AM »

I realize there is another Easy Save Topic going right now, but I don't want to hijack that thread, so I will ask my questions here and hope for some help! I've never been this stuck before. I just can't seem to make this asset work the way I want it to.

I've been through the easy save docs, the Playmaker easy save docs, the tutorials, and google'ed and youtube'ed like crazy. I'm just not getting it.

I want to do the following:

1. Give the player 3 different slots to save and then load their progress to/from.

2. Load a whole saved scene. This really has me stumped. Is it just loading the scene and then loading the variables and the player's last position?

A video explains some stuff. Sorry, it's a bit long, about 15 min, but I go into detail about some of my issues.

If you have 15 min to watch me suffer through my brain melting down, enjoy it! :)

But, if you can help me out, that would be awesome!!



  • Junior Playmaker
  • **
  • Posts: 66
Re: Easy Save Help
« Reply #1 on: May 06, 2018, 11:30:44 AM »

I think I actually have most of the above issues solved. Now, I hope I'm getting down to the last few issues I'm having.

There latest is reported below.

I already posted this on the Easy Save 3 forums, but I'm going to post it here as well in case anyone knows the answer and maybe others will have this problem.

I'm currently using Easy Save 3 and playmaker to allow my players to save their progress in the game. But, I'm currently getting a error when trying to load back the save slot data.

I'm doing this in editor mode by:

starting a new game, running about in new game as the player, collecting some points, then going to my pause menu and saving my game to save slot 001, I then exit my game to the home screen. I then chose to load the saved data from save slot 001.

Upon doing that I get the following error:

I what am I doing wrong?
