Hi there.
Apologies for the radio silence - things have been a bit busy here at Thunderbox HQ.
So... I finished adding AR to our game using PlayMaker. Here is a short (and shaky) video)...
https://youtu.be/CGewGIBlPpoYou can grab Tsuro from the App Store here...
https://itunes.apple.com/app/tsuro/id957124541?mt=8I did end up creating a few ARKit actions... but the way that the Unity plug-in works requires a lot of components to be added to things. Creating a PlayMaker only solution for this is not a trivial task and I just don't have the time to do it.
In the interests of sharing, you can grab the actions I made at the link below, but they need a little set-up to get them working:
https://drive.google.com/open?id=0BxYKc0FnzFsFQ01tam5fWi11VEUI would recommend placing the camera tracking scripts from Unity's demo scenes on your camera, maybe adding surface managers and point cloud managers as well (to help visualize) and then noodling around with the actions...
Detect AR Capability - Checks to see if you are on iOS11 with an A9 chip (or greater). Use this to show your AR UI only when appropriate.
Start AR Session - Use this to initiate the AR session
before activating the camera with the AR script on (the camera script does it automatically, so you may not actually need this... I just preferred having more control).
Detect Hit - this will let your FSM know if there is a surface at the centre of the screen, so you can place an object at the hit location. Could easily be tweaked to detect a surface hit at a specific screen point, to work with a touch-based action.
Set Reticle Text - this is a bit specific to my project... it sets text based on the type of hit just detected. It will probably need tweaking to suit your needs.
Pause AR Session - you can never stop an AR session. Use this when you are done with AR to save that battery juice! Also gives you the option to totally reset the AR tracking.
Apologies I couldn't provide a more robust solution, but hopefully this will get things rolling!