If anyone prefers to have smaller actions instead of one large one, please let me know and I can split up the different sections of my current OculusGoButtonDown action into smaller actions.
If you are using the action for a game where you are interacting with objects in the scene using a reticle / laser pointer, and let's say you have a objects in the scene using this OculusGoButtonDown action, then of course, all of the events will fire if you press trigger, dpad or whatever. So a good tip for that is, use a global Playmaker variable that is set when your reticle / laser pointer highlights or hovers over a specific object (using object name or tag), and then let the object compare it's own name or tag to that global variable to let it decide if it should take an action or not when an event fires.
For example, let's say you have a door in the scene, and somewhere else in the scene you might have a light switch. These are two separate objects with their own FSMs potentially. There are a lot of ways to interact with these, but one method could be to have the OculusGoButtonDown action on each, both listening for the Trigger event to fire.
You could easily set up an FSM on your reticle in the scene to get the name or tag of the object you are hovering over, then set a global Playmaker variable called currentHoveredObject, then in each FSM for the door and light switch, when Trigger fires, simply compare the object's own name or tag to the global variable.
It's just one way to do it, and there are lots of different ways, but it's just an example that might help you if you are starting out with your first Gear VR or Oculus Go Playmaker project. You could also just have a separate empty game object in your scene, for example GM_Controller, then add an FSM to it to control all input related actions (so you just use one OculusGoButtonDown action), and do a bunch of comparisons to see what kind of object is being interacted with, and send a global event to that object when trigger is pressed etc. That is better for larger projects when you want to interact with prefabs and so on.
I hope it helps
Feel free to PM if you have questions, I'll try my best to help. I can also write custom actions for Oculus Go / Gear VR, so let me know if there is anything specific that you would like me to create.
I'm currently working on two Oculus Go / Gear VR projects, both using my OculusGoButtonDown action, and so far, it is working perfectly. Of course it is also simple to integrate it with any other plugins on the asset store because all my action uses is the standard OVRInput API from Oculus, so it works out the box, assuming you have imported Oculus Utilities for Unity, which you should